Sajian Duo Berbahaya Bukan Sejoli: Moonchild

Sajian Duo Berbahaya Bukan Sejoli: Moonchild

Geta Gwyneth dan Ikhsan Fadila memang bukan pasangan sebagaimana duo akustik senja pada umumnya, tapi keharmonisan tercipta secara alami melalui alunan musik bertajuk suatu tempat peristirahatan dengan suasana nyaman dan sejuk. Home, menceritakan luapan jujur tentang sebagaimana rumah itu seharusnya, canda tawa hingga membangun mimpi bersama sanak keluarga.


There is a beauty bigger than words
No amount of money could afford
A bond so true you’ll never get through
Without this love you’d be forever blue

Some say it’s a blessing or a curse
But this love is something you cant ignore
It is is a start and also an end
The kind of love where you don’t pretend

A place where you can be who you are
A place where hou can call oh a home

A home to rest
To laugh
To dream
A home to rest
To laugh
To dream

It is a home for you and me