Friday, January 23, 2015 a qualified subject namely Music and Sound and Basic Scene and Costume, class PAC (Performing Art Communication) 17-2B presented a musical performances, themed SYNCHRONESIA. This performance shows the various legends, and music in the typical areas of Indonesia brought directly by the Student from PAC 17-2B.

Stories legends like Malin Kundang, Bawang merah-Bawang Putih, and Jaka Tarub, as well as typical Indonesian songs like Bubuy Bulan, Sirih Kuning, and Ampar- Ampar Pisang presented to entertain the audience at this show. At the end of the event all the parties involved do not forget to give an appreciation to the lecturer who has guided them during the process of preparation of this show: Mr. Radel Lopez and Mr. Endang Purnomo. The show was held at Prof. Djajusman campus Auditorium B from 19.30- 21:00 o’clock.(Power Young)